Tuesday, April 3, 2012

{Simple Secrets to a Happy Life}

When I chose to review Simple Secrets to a Happy Life by Luci  Swindoll I fell in love with the front cover. At first glance I thought it was a book about organizing your home. I really need help in that department. Then I saw that it was by Luci Swindoll and she is funny, smart, and a woman of God. That made it even more appealing to me. So, I chose it right away.

Well, I was surprised in a good way when I got the book in the mail and discovered it was really about how to be happy in your everyday life. There are 50 chapters all together. They are short, about 2-3 pages each and include a little story or two about that particular piece of advice from Luci. Her sense of humor is so wonderful and refreshing. She has lived life to the fullest and shares how she got through some hard times and some funny times.

Some of her secrets, honestly, are not really secrets. Here are some that I thought were things we should know, but tend to forget:
Honor your father and mother
Value the things you have
Write down the important things
Disregard what isn't your business
Forgive others over and over
Invite people to your home

I found a lot of them very helpful. I found that I needed reminding of how to really live for the Lord and make the most of every single day I am given. Here are a few of the chapters that I really enjoyed:
Take Jesus with you everywhere
Read your bible every day
Find contentment in doing without
Think before you say it
Communicate often with loved ones
Fight resentment before it festers
Celebrate the life you're given

These all convicted my heart so much. With some recent events in my life, I needed the encouragement to be happy. Life's circumstances should not shake our faith or our belief in God. We should lean on God in our struggles and ask Him to take our burdens. He can handle them and help us to handle them. He gives us strength and helps us to endure during hard times. I really enjoyed reading this book and I know you will too.

It is one of those books that you can put on the coffee table and read a little here and there. The chapters are short and you can gain so much from just 5 minutes of reading. You could use it for a devotional as well. It is a delightful little book filled with lots of good, Christ-centered advice for any stage of life.

God Bless,


*This book was given to me by Booksneeze in exchange for my personal review. All opinions expressed here are solely my own.*

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