I just love the Cooper and Me books for children. They teach your children life lessons on how to treat others and how to act in a positive way. The newest addition to the series is called Cooper and Me and the Military. No, Cooper (the dog) does not join the military. But, he has a friend, Trooper, who was a military dog. Gracie and Joe are friends with Cooper and his owner. Gracie and Joe have a dog named Trooper. They all meet up at the park one afternoon. Gracie and Joe are sad because their mommy and daddy are gone overseas because they are both serving in the military. That is how they got to have Trooper. He was serving overseas at a military hospital helping patients get better from their injuries. One day, Trooper got hurt and Gracie and Joe's parents decided to take him home with them. He became part of the family.
When Gracie and Joe's parents are gone they miss them very much. So, they all come up with the idea to write them a letter and send some pictures so their parents could feel better and they would cheer up. They even put a stuffed "Trooper" dog in the box to be mailed. When the box got to their parents it was exciting. They were so happy to have pictures and letters from their loved ones. They really loved the stuffed "Trooper". It reminded them of home and how much they love their children and Trooper.
I really adored this book. I live in an area where there are many military bases. The church I go to actually has mostly military families. It is sad to see them come and go. But, I am so grateful that they are willing to serve our country. The book really puts military life into perspective. Especially for the young children who get very sad when their parents have to leave. This will help them to cope better. At the end of the book, there are many wonderful things. First, there is a mock letter you can fill in and write to a service member. It even give you a website to go to so you can send it to an actual person serving in the military who might be missing their family. Then, there is the "Life Lesson" section that tells you the moral of the story and what you should be getting out of the book. There is a questions section as well so you can ask your little ones about the book so they better understand what was going on. At the very end there is a "Learning Together" section that asks tougher questions like "Have you ever felt sad when someone you love has to leave?" I thought this was perfect because it makes your children reach deep into their hearts and minds and think about how they feel.
I would recommend this book to anyone. It's not just for military families. I think all families should read it because if you don't live in a place that is populated by military families then you don't really get a real grasp of the sacrifices that they make daily.
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*If you would like to win a copy of this wonderful book for yourself, here's your chance. Just comment below and tell me that you would like to win. For an extra entry, follow my blog and leave a separate comment telling me you did so. The winner will be annouced in one week (on the 17th of February) so you have until then to enter. Open to U.S. residents only.*
God Bless,
*This book was given to me for review. All opinions expressed here are solely my own.*
I have a grandson on the way and would love to have this book to read to him~!
Being a military family, as well as involvement in the community, this would be AWESOME! Thanks!
This looks like an awesome book! We are a militray family! Thanks for the opportunity for the give-a-way! Check out my blog for Mary Kay give-a-way!
I signed up to follow your blog, I homeschool my 8 year old son and hope to homeschool my grandson someday too. Books are such a blessing to us.
would love it! nice to meet you! found you over at time warp wive. Following you now.
Traci @ Ordinary Inspirations
My son would love this book!
I would love this book! Hubby is in the Army and we too hoard books--not a bad thing! :)
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