I love to read. I hope to share my love of reading here on this blog dedicated to giving my true opinion and review of different kinds of books. My dream is to inspire at least one person to pick up a book and read.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
{My Pop-up Bible Stories}
My Pop-Up Bible Stories by Juliet David is a cute and inspirational children's book. It has two dimensional scenes on each page that captivate a little ones imagination. The author and illustrator really put their heart into each story that they chose. There are five well-known bible stories included and the actual verses from the bible are on each page as well. My children thought the book was very fascinating. Bear's (my 3 year old) eyes got big each time I opened a new page and the story literally unfolded before him. He enjoyed the colors and creativity the author put into this cute book.
I would recommend this book to any family with young children. The book is sturdy but I wouldn't recommend allowing the little ones to handle it themselves. Pop-up books are great but small children tend to think that the arms and legs can be taken off and moved around (I learned from personal experience through other books we have at home). I believe that this would be a wonderful addition to any family's home.
*I was given this book in exchange for my personal review. All opinions expressed here are solely my own.*
Monday, August 13, 2012
{Grieving God's Way}
Grief. We have all felt it in some way or another. Maybe it's grief over losing a loved one or a beloved family pet. Maybe it's grief over losing a friendship or a job. I have felt many different stages of grief. I have lost family members and pets. When I was 6 months pregnant with Ducky (who is now 2 years old), my chihuahua had to be put down due to kidney failure. I thought I would cry my eyes out. Recently though, I lost a baby at 12 weeks gestation. I was so devastated. I cried out to God many nights asking Him why He took my baby. The fact of the matter is, my baby wasn't really mine in the first place. We are all His children. I am grateful to have had baby Kendall for the short time that we did. I still grieve for my baby, but I find it easier now then when it first happened. I clung to my Bible during those horrible weeks that followed. I prayed like my life depended on it. I got through it (and still am struggling on some days). I also found a book that has helped me tremendously. It is a 90-day devotional called Grieving God's Way by Margaret Brownley.
In her book, Margaret shares her personal stories from her own life. She helps to lead us in a different direction with our grief. There actually is a Godly way to grieve. God designed our bodies, so He would know how to help us in the grieving process. This book has given me hope. It has also helped me to heal my broken heart. Even though I still have bad days, I know that this is just temporary. I know there is a purpose and a plan for everything that I go through in this life.
This devotional is broken up into 4 parts. They are: Healing the Grieving Body, Healing the Grieving Soul, Healing the Grieving Heart, and Healing the Grieving Spirit. The grieving process can be so hard on the body, mind, and soul. Margaret Brownley gives us insight into what God says about going through this process. Each of the days of the devotional includes a scripture that goes along with the personal story and/or advice. Diantha Ain also wrote a haiku for each day. At the end of each of the devotionals is a section to take action or a story from a famous person which also includes another scripture.
I really enjoyed this devotional and would recommend it to anyone who has lost a loved one or anything that causes you to grieve.
*I was given this book in exchange for my personal review. All opinions expressed here are solely my own.*
Friday, July 20, 2012
{Cleaning House By: Kay Wills Wyma}
Cleaning House
A Mom's 12-Month Experiment
to Rid Her Home of
Youth Entitlement
This is a wonderful book about how to motivate your children to help with the everyday chores without argument. The author gives your tips and what worked for her in her home. The children went from groaning and moaning about helping out to having an attitude of gratitude. She explains that our children shouldn't expect clean, folded clothes and clean toilets. Our children should want to help because they are part of a team and family that work together. Families love each other and respect each other. With the Father and Mother running the household, the children should follow in doing what they are told and helping out around the house without having to be asked to do so.
Kay Wills Wyma took had an epiphany one day and put it into action. She took 12 months to train her children in the "new way" of things. Here are the titles for each of the months:
1. Operation Clutter Control
2. Kitchen Patrol
3. Grounding Time
4. Working for a Living
5. Domestic Dirty Jobs
6. Roll Tide
7. The Handyman Can...Or Can He?
8. The Entertainers
9. Team Players
10. Runner's World
11. It's About Others
12. Ladies and Gentlemen
I loved this book and will be referring back to it over the years. My children are still young, but you have to start somewhere. If you start training your children young they will not know the difference between "chores" and just doing what you are supposed to. We are a team. We should function as one.
*This book was given to me in exchange for my personal review. All opinions expressed here are strictly my own.*
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
{The Truth About Forgiveness}
The Lord's Prayer
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name.
Your Kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins,
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom,
the power and the glory are yours.
Now and for ever.
hallowed be your name.
Your Kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins,
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom,
the power and the glory are yours.
Now and for ever.
John MacArthur has written a small book about forgiveness called The Truth About Forgiveness. It was an easy to read book packed with information from the Bible. There are only 7 chapters but every one of them is wonderful. John MacArthur tells us what Jesus says about forgiveness. Not only what Jesus says but what we are called to do as Christians.
Jesus died on the cross so that our sins would be forgiven forever. He is the only One who could do that because He lived a sinless, perfect life. He was the spotless Lamb that was the ultimate sacrifice. We don't deserve His forgiveness nor can we ever do anything to deserve it. It is up to us to accept that forgiveness and open our hearts to God. In this book God's forgiveness toward us is explained in a simple way that anyone can understand.
The chapter that I really enjoyed was about forgiving others. Has someone ever done something or said something to you that was catastrophic? You think there is no way you could EVER forgive them. Not only are we called to forgive them 7 times 70 times we are to live in peace with them. In Romans 12:18 it says "Live peaceably with all men." That really got me thinking about all of my relationships. Do I live peaceably with all men? Do I make an effort to forgive others even if they don't ask for it? Even if they don't deserve it? I should be actively living the Word of God.
I recommend this book to anyone looking for forgiveness or reasons to forgive. I thought it was a good read and very Biblically based.
*I was given this book in exchange for my personal review. All opinions expressed here are solely my own.*
Thursday, June 14, 2012
{Beloved Enemy}
What would you do if you fell in love with a man from the North and you were a true Southerner during the Civil War? That is the story that Al Lacy writes in his newest book Beloved Enemy. What I really loved about this book was the historical facts. It was like I was actually there with each of the characters as they went about their days or fought in a battle. I also liked that Al Lacy did not have any sexual content included in the book. I read one person's review about Beloved Enemy and they wanted more sexual content. This is a Christian fiction book. I am personally happy to read anything without sexual content.
I truly enjoyed having the opportunity to read this wonderful book. I thought it was well written and kept my attention from the first page. A General for the Union becomes caught up in a spy ring for the Confederacy. His daughter is courted by a Corporal in the Union army. When the General forbids his daughter from seeing the Army Corporal again she must choose her loyalties. Does she listen to her heart and continue to see her beloved against her father's wishes? Or, does she stay true to her Southern roots and support her father's efforts in the Confederacy knowing that he could be caught and killed?
The historical parts in this book were pretty accurate. I mean it is a fiction book so some of it is made up. But, I believe for the most part the actual facts are true to history. I recommend this book to any historical fiction book lover. The Christian aspect was great as well. There was nothing inappropriate about it and anyone over the age of 15 would enjoy it.
*This book was given to me for my personal review. All opinions expressed here are solely my own.*
Monday, May 28, 2012
{Cowgirls and Angels}
If you love horses you will love this new family-friendly movie called Cowgirls and Angels. I thought it was a delightful movie that was both funny and entertaining. There was a serious nature to it that made me teary-eyed a few times. For any people who like a happy ending to a movie...this one is it!
Ida is searching for her long lost father. She is young and ambitious and willing to learn anything. When the rodeo comes into town she is there. She's not there looking for her father (who used to work at the rodeo). She is there stealing from others. Her mother never taught her any different. That's when she meets Terence Parker, the owner of The Sweethearts of the Rodeo. They are cowgirls who are trick riders. Ida immediately takes to him and all the girls of the Sweethearts.
Knowing her mother would never allow her to travel with the Sweethearts, Ida forges her mother's signature on the release form. When Terence finds this out he goes to her mother and asks permission himself. Ida is then able to travel with the girls to all of the state fairs they are going to. I really enjoyed the trick riding and the lessons she received. I have never been a horse person, but it was a great story.
Ida learns big lessons about life and relationships. She learns to love her mother and not be afraid of going after your dreams. The end of the movie is really sweet. I recommend this movie to people of all ages.
Website: www.cowgirls-n- angels.com/
Check it out for yourself!
God Bless,
*This movie was given to me to screen for my personal review. All opinions expressed here are solely my own.*
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
{As One Devil To Another}
"A fiendish correspondence in the tradition of C. S. Lewis' The Screwtape Letters." Richard Platt has brilliantly written a book from the perspective of demons. The two "devils" are Slashreap (the senior devil) and his protege Scardagger. Scardagger has just graduated top of his class from Temptation University. Slashreap is assigned to him because he excelled in all of his courses such as "casting of doubt", "inflammation of vanity", "erosion of values", "destruction of conscience", "dissolution of goodwill", "inculcation of egocentricity", and "formation of spiritual pride". Have you ever felt any of these qualities in your own life? I know I have and this book gave me a different perspective about these subjects. I already knew there were "other forces" in the spiritual realm that influenced how we feel and what we think. As One Devil To Another actually gave me chills a few times.
The book is a series of letters written back and forth between Slashreap and Scardagger. As we know, this book is fiction. But please prayerfully consider reading it as the concept is real. There are real "spiritual" dangers out there. Scardagger has been chosen to win a soul away from Heaven. The woman chosen is a postgraduate in the English department of a great university. The come up with different ways to get to her soul. Should they allow her the move up the "corporate" ladder but not have other things in life or should they not give her advances in her career?
The story is gripping and kept me reading. It definitely shows that how powerful prayer is in a Christian's life. The book allowed me to realize the purpose of suffering and that is to be closer to God and rely on Him. I have recently gone through a terrible loss and suffered terrible for it. I have been battling depression and anger. I read my Bible but reading this book in the way it is written really put my suffering into perspective. I would recommend this book to any mature Christian. It is not for the faint of heart. I prayed a lot while reading As One Devil To Another for the purpose of cleansing my mind from thinking about all the bad things in the world. I truly believe that this will become a classic just as The Screwtape Letters.
*This book was given to me in exchange for my personal review. All opinions expressed here are solely my own.*
Monday, May 21, 2012
{Praying with the Grain}
Pablo Martinez is both a medical doctor and a psychiatrist. He has taught the Bible in Europe as well as North and South America. He currently has a private practice in Barcelona. He has studied the human mind and different personalities to write his newest book Praying with the Grain. It is about how your personality affects the way you pray. That is exactly what attracted me to this book. My personality type is about equal for introvert and extrovert. I am shy around new people, but tend to open up (more than I probably should) around family and friends.
Dr. Martinez goes into great detail about each personality type as well as the temperament of each. I appreciated the way he wrote this book. It was written for the everyday person to be able to read and understand. Basically, it wouldn't take a genius to read it and comprehend what he is trying to say. I found out a lot about my own prayer life. I find it hard to pray in large groups because I have introvert tendencies in crowds. But, in intimate settings (like at home with my husband and children) I can open up and speak freely.
I also learned that my principal psychological function is feeling. There are four of them: thought, feeling, sensation, and intuition. I tend to pray with feeling. Whatever I am feeling at the time of prayer is exactly what I pray. If I am hurt, I pray for healing. If I am angry, I pray for peace. If I am happy, I thank God for all that I have. Dr. Martinez suggests that we pray with all four. He also suggests that if we have a tendency to be depressed we have a prayer partner. Depressed people don't like to be alone (for the most part). Having someone there to pray with helps alleviate some of the anxious feelings of loneliness.
In this book, Dr. Martinez will help you understand your personality type and guide you through the best way to pray that will allow you to understand your own spiritual path. I really enjoyed reading Praying with the Grain and it has helped me to better understand the reason I pray the way that I do. Here is a list of the chapters:
1. Different Prayers for Different People
2. Overcoming Difficulties
3. The Therapeutic Value of Prayer
4. Prayer: Psychological Illusion?
5. Are All Prayers Alike?
Be sure to check this book out. You will gain so much knowledge about prayer and how our personalities impact the way we pray and what we pray for. It was very easy to understand as well.
*I was given this book in exchange for my personal review. All opinions expressed here are solely my own.*
Monday, May 14, 2012
{He Chose The Nails}
Max Lucado is a best-selling novelist and Pastor of Oak Hills Church in San Antonio, TX. He has written many books and his newest one is wonderful. He Chose The Nails is an easy read that you won't be able to put down.
"Linger on the Hill of Calvary.
Rub a Finger on the Timber and Press the Nail
Into Your Hand.
Taste the Tinge of Cheap Wine and Feel
the Scrape of a Thorn on Your Brow.
Touch the Velvet Dirt, Moist
with the Blood of God.
Allow the Tools of Torture to Tell Their Story.
Listen as They Tell You What God
Did to Win Your Heart."
-Quote from the back of the book
Isn't that an incredible quote. When I read that I got chills down my spine. Have you ever wondered why Jesus chose to go to the cross? Have you ever wondered what it was like for Him? This is the perfect book for answering those questions and more. It's a very emotional and eye-opening book. What Jesus really did for us on the cross was extraordinary. In this book, Lucado takes us through some of the significant symbols of the cross such as the crown of thorns, the sign on the cross, the burial clothes, etc.
Here is a small list of some of the chapters:
1. You Did This For Me?
2. I Loved You Enough To Become One Of You
3. I Will Not Abandon You
4. I Invite You Into My Presence
5. I Have Redeemed You, And I Will Keep You
6. I Have Won The Victory
7. What Will You Leave At The Cross?
Surprisingly enough, this was not a dark book. It speaks of the love that Jesus has for us. His love was enough to cover all of our sins on the cross. He alone chose to go to the cross and suffer and die to save us. I have a hard time imagining that kind of love. I mean, I love my husband. I love my children. I would die for them. But to die for strangers who have murdered, raped, stolen, abused, etc. I just can't fathom it. What a sacrifice. What grace He has given us. Forgiveness is a wonderful, powerful thing. Amazing love. That's all I can say.
Read this book and find out for yourself what the cross really meant to mankind. You will not be disappointed.
*I was given this book in exchange for my personal review. All opinions expressed here are solely my own.*
Thursday, May 3, 2012
{Finding Our Way Home}
Finding Our Way Home was my first book by Charlene Ann Baumbich and I was not disappointed. Her style of writing is easy and flows very nicely. This book was charming and sweet. I could, however, predict the ending just by the title and reading the first bit of the book. It's not a bad thing for me though because I always read the last chapter of a book before I read the rest. I know, a silly thing to do. But, if the book ends bad then I can prepare myself for the tragedy.
Sasha Davis is a studied ballerina. She loves what she does and thrives as a dancer. After a tragic, career-ending injury and the death of her mother she is left feeling useless. She decides that returning to Minnesota (from Boston where her dance company is located) would help her to heal. Sasha is very limited in what she can and cannot do. She hires a live-in assistant to help her get her mother's affairs in order after her death. Evelyn Burt is the complete opposite of Sasha being "big-boned", from a small town, and very outgoing.
As Evelyn and Sasha get to know each other more and more they become close friends. They lean on each other for support. In this book grace is extended between two people who otherwise have nothing in common. They need each other to get through this time in each of their lives. Evelyn is young and engaged. She sees opportunity in every situation. As you can imagine (spoiler alert) they both find their way home. They find their way to comfort and happiness. This is a feel-good story about friendship and grace.
I really enjoyed this book and hope you get the chance to read it as well. It is very sweet and ends well (another spoiler).
*This book was given to me in exchange for my personal review. All opinions expressed here are solely my own.*
{The Forgiven Duke}
England, Ireland, Iceland, and Spain. These are the countries that Jamie Carie includes in her historical fiction book The Forgiven Duke. The Forgiven Duke is the second book in a series of 3. You can read my review on the first book, The Guardian Duke, HERE. In my opinion, this book was better than the first one but you do have to read the first one in order to get the background for this book.
Alexandria Featherstone is still searching for her parents who went missing a year ago. She was told by the Prince Regent of England that her appointed guardian would be the Duke of St. Easton, Gabriel. Alex has been on the hunt for her parents for months feeling in her heart that they are still alive. She is such a lively and kind young woman that she befriends everyone she meets. The Duke cannot seem to catch up to her because of many different circumstances. Alex ends up engaged to Lord John Lemon of Dublin, Ireland. She thinks she is in love. This is where this story begins.
I just love the historical factors that come into play in these books. The descriptions of each country and place that Alex and Gabriel visit sound so beautiful. In The Forgiven Duke, most of the story takes place in Iceland. What an intriguing country. Alex travels the island in search of clues to her parents whereabouts with her fiance Lord Lemon. During this time she discovers her true feelings for the Duke. She becomes confused about what to do in this situation. She decides to confess her feelings to Lord Lemon and he does not take the news well .She tells him she cannot marry him and that she is very sorry. He becomes very angry and hostile.
Meanwhile, the Duke has been captured by the Spanish who are only one of many countries in search of the manuscript that Alex's parents were looking for before they went missing. The manuscript contains plans for a machine that could change the way countries fight in wars. The Duke talks the King of Spain into allowing him to go and get Alex to bring back to the King. The Duke, of course, has different plans to escape and take Alex back to England to keep her safe.
I don't want to give away too much of the story, but I REALLY liked this book. I couldn't put it down once I got into it. I wanted to know whether the Duke and Alex revealed their true feelings for one another. This was a very well written book and kept me on my toes. If you read the first book, you will definitely want to read this one.
*This book was given to me in exchange for my personal review. All opinions expressed here are solely my own.*
Monday, April 30, 2012
{God Helps Me}
"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it." -Proverbs 22:6
The verse above is the reason that I chose to homeschool my children. God wants us to train our children by teaching them about Him first. If we teach our children about God above all else they will develop good character. Character quality is an important part of growing up and being able to function in society without being rude, mean, angry, etc.
I was very happy to be chosen to review a new bible for children. It is called God Helps Me Bible. It is re-written by Juliet David in a way that small children can understand easily. The book is illustrated by Clare Caddy. The pictures are very eye catching and simple. There isn't too much detail to make your imagination run wild (which I really liked). The stories that are used are ones that include one person helping another. Most of them are God helping someone with a problem.
My husband and I read the bible to both of our boys just about every night. We have other bibles for them, but chose to read this since it was so cute. It is small enough for little hands to handle it. The only thing I don't particularly care for is the spiral binding. My copy has actually come apart. It would be more helpful (and sturdy for little ones to handle) to be put together like a board book. That being said we have really enjoyed having this wonderful little book. Bear (my 3 year old) asks to read it every night before bed. He cries if he can't find it right away.
Bear's favorite story is "A man comes through the roof". It is the story about the man who was paralyzed and some people cut a hole in a roof to get to Jesus. Jesus healed the man and he could immediately walk. Bear thinks it is amazing that Jesus could perform miracles like that.
I recommend this book to anyone with children. It is a wonderful addition to our book collection and homeschooling resources. We will be using it as long as Bear and Ducky are little enough to appreciate it and then we will have more little ones who will love it too.
*I was given this book in exchange for my personal review. All opinions expressed here are solely my own.*
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
{The 5 Love Languages of Children Review & Giveaway}
What is my child's love language? What is a love language? Why do I need to know what my child's love language is? How do I fill my child's love tank?
All of these questions and more are answered in The 5 Love Languages of Children by Gary Chapman and Ross Campbell. I learned a lot from reading this book and intend on reading it a few more times just to make sure I don't forget any of the information. The two authors explain how your child doesn't know you love them until they really feel your love. Every child feels love in different ways. There are 5 love languages that make them feel loved in a way your child will understand. They are gifts, quality time, words of affirmation, physical touch, and acts of service.
There is a chapter for each of the love languages explaining exactly what it is, how to show it, how to know your child has this love language, etc. At the end of each of the chapters there is a list of ideas to help the parent show that love language more effectively to their child. I absolutely loved the lists. I am a list person so when I saw these at the end of each chapter I was thrilled. The ideas are wonderful and most of them I would have never thought of on my own.
At the end of the book there is a love language mystery game to help you figure out what love language your child/children speak. Both of my children are too small to take the quiz (they are 1-1/2 and 3-1/2). It is meant for children starting at age 5 and up. Reading this book, I did discover through observation that my 3-1/2 year old has the love language of quality time. My husband and I began to notice more that he loves to be around us both. He follows us around the house, he loves to help daddy in the garden and mommy in the kitchen, he loves to just sit and have us read to him, and he likes to just BE with us. It doesn't matter what we are doing or not doing he is right there. Before reading this book I thought he was just bored or something. I thought maybe he wasn't independent. After reading this book, I better understand why he does the things he does...he loves quality time with us. My 1-1/2 year old is still too small to tell. But, in a year or so he will start to develop a more solid love language. Right now he is content to just play or read.
The authors also want the parents to realize that a love language is not set in stone. Just because Bear (my 3-1/2 year old) loves quality time does not mean he doesn't love gifts or physical touch as well. They have a primary love language as well as others that help support the primary LL. The LL's can also help you to effectively discipline your child. After you discipline your child, love on them so they feel love even when they have done something wrong. If they only feel loved when they do something right or live up to your expectations (which can be unrealistic) they will grow up to have low self esteem, anger issues, and relationship issues. I can relate to this personally. I know there were times growing up that I did not feel loved by my parents when being disciplined. I have self esteem issues, anger issues, and relationship issues. Coincidence? I think not. Gary Chapman and Ross Campbell hit the nail on the head with their research on this subject.
I am so glad I got to review this book while my children are young. It has helped me to see love through their eyes. How I react and speak to them is how they feel loved. If I scream and yell and them all the time, they don't feel loved. A child is quoted in the book as saying "My parents yell and scream at me to stop yelling and screaming." Wow! I don't know about you, but it was an eye opening moment for me. Have I ever done that to my children? If so, I hope to not do that again.
As parents, we should be continually filling our children's love tanks. If they don't feel loved and we discipline them they will feel rejected. It is hard to recover from rejection. Before we demand good behavior from our children we have to first make sure they feel that we love them. Otherwise, the discipline will only make them feel unloved. Chapman and Ross also came to the conclusion that the volume of your voice determines your child's reaction. If you are screaming for them to clean their room, they will feel like it is a bad thing to clean their room. If you speak kindly and give them instructions, they will be more obliged to do whatever you ask of them.
I am telling you this is a MUST READ for every parent or parent-to-be. Even if you have older children, it's not too late. There have been cases in which the parents started later in giving their children what they needed (their LL) and the child responded positively. If you have more than one child keep in mind that not all of your children will have the same LL. They will probably all be different. I recommend this book to anyone with children in their life. Whether you are a mommy, daddy, grandparent, aunt, uncle, children's minister, librarian. It doesn't matter, if there are children around, they need to feel loved. The way they feel when they grow up depends upon how they were loved as children. Read this book today to learn different ways to speak your child's love language.
Here are more resources about The 5 Love Languages of Children:
5 Love Languages of Children: http://www.
The 5 Love Languages: http://www.5lovelanguages.com/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/5LoveLanguages
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/drgarychapman
If you would like to WIN this book simply leave a comment below telling me how many children you have in your life (whether your own or your grandchildren, etc.). Don't forget to leave your email address so I can contact you if you win. I will announce the winner 1 week from today (that is April 17th).
*I was given this book in exchange for my personal review. All opinions expressed here are solely my own.*
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
{Simple Secrets to a Happy Life}
When I chose to review Simple Secrets to a Happy Life by Luci Swindoll I fell in love with the front cover. At first glance I thought it was a book about organizing your home. I really need help in that department. Then I saw that it was by Luci Swindoll and she is funny, smart, and a woman of God. That made it even more appealing to me. So, I chose it right away.
Well, I was surprised in a good way when I got the book in the mail and discovered it was really about how to be happy in your everyday life. There are 50 chapters all together. They are short, about 2-3 pages each and include a little story or two about that particular piece of advice from Luci. Her sense of humor is so wonderful and refreshing. She has lived life to the fullest and shares how she got through some hard times and some funny times.
Some of her secrets, honestly, are not really secrets. Here are some that I thought were things we should know, but tend to forget:
Honor your father and mother
Value the things you have
Write down the important things
Disregard what isn't your business
Forgive others over and over
Invite people to your home
I found a lot of them very helpful. I found that I needed reminding of how to really live for the Lord and make the most of every single day I am given. Here are a few of the chapters that I really enjoyed:
Take Jesus with you everywhere
Read your bible every day
Find contentment in doing without
Think before you say it
Communicate often with loved ones
Fight resentment before it festers
Celebrate the life you're given
These all convicted my heart so much. With some recent events in my life, I needed the encouragement to be happy. Life's circumstances should not shake our faith or our belief in God. We should lean on God in our struggles and ask Him to take our burdens. He can handle them and help us to handle them. He gives us strength and helps us to endure during hard times. I really enjoyed reading this book and I know you will too.
It is one of those books that you can put on the coffee table and read a little here and there. The chapters are short and you can gain so much from just 5 minutes of reading. You could use it for a devotional as well. It is a delightful little book filled with lots of good, Christ-centered advice for any stage of life.
God Bless,
*This book was given to me by Booksneeze in exchange for my personal review. All opinions expressed here are solely my own.*
Thursday, March 29, 2012
{The Scent of Cherry Blossoms}
Cindy Woodsmall is a popular writer of Amish fiction. She has written many books about the Amish community, most of them being fiction romance. I have read many of them and loved each one. When I saw that the title of this book was The Scent of Cherry Blossoms I knew I had to read it. Cherry Blossoms are my favorite tree in the whole world. They are so beautiful and smell wonderful. In this latest book, nineteen year old Annie Martin is an Old Order Amish young woman. She is having trouble with her mother and getting along with her family in general. They live in New York (not the city, just the state) and her dad left the family many years before. Her mother has raised all of the children alone and puts a lot of responsibility on Annie so they fight a lot.
When Annie and her mother have a big argument, she is sent to live with her Daadi Moses (her mother's father) in Apple Ridge, Pennsylvania. He is strict man, but a loving man. He is protective of Annie and wants only the best for her since his own daughter does not speak to him kindly. When Annie arrives in Apple Ridge she finds herself working at a diner owned by her Daadi's neighbors. The Zook's are an Old Order Amish family who rely on the support of their Mennonite neighbor to supply them with electricity for their restaurant.
When Aden Zook finds out Annie has returned to their community he is very happy. He is the cook (and son of the family who owns the restaurant). Annie helps Aden work in the diner while his twin brother who is wheelchair bound is out of town. The two young people quickly start to have feelings for each other. They know they cannot take their feelings any farther than a friendship because their lives would be torn apart. Amish people were not to marry (or court) Mennonite people and the same goes for Mennonites. They would be banished from the community and shunned by everyone.
There is a cherry blossom orchard on Daadi Moses' property that connects with the Zook's property and Annie and Aden meet there every night. They never do anything scandalous or bad. They just talk and share their feelings and thoughts. When Moses finds out about their budding romance he immediately threatens the Zook family and tries to put a stop to it. Annie and Aden are at a loss. They love each other deeply but they know the cannot go forward with their feelings because it would tear their families apart. Annie is sent back to New York to live with her mother and Aden is crushed.
I will save the end for you to enjoy when you get a copy for yourself. I will tell you that I LOVED this book. It was so sweet and innocent. I would recommend this book to anyone. There was absolutely nothing bad in it.
"Can Annie and Aden find a place for their love to bloom in the midst of a brewing storm?" -quote from the back of the book.
God Bless,
*I was given this book in exchange for my personal review. All opinions expressed here are solely my own.*
Monday, March 26, 2012
{A Perfect Pet for Peyton Review}
Dr. Gary Chapman is New York Times #1 bestselling author of The Five Love Languages. Rick Osborne is a bestselling author of many popular parenting and marriage books. Together they have written a wonderful book called A Perfect Pet for Peyton. The illustrations are done by Wilson Williams Jr. A Perfect Pet for Peyton is a story about 5 children who all have 5 different love languages. Peyton and his twin sister Penny are celebrating their birthday at The Perfect Pet Pal Emporium where Mr. Chapman, the owner, matches each child to their perfect pet. As you go through the book, the authors engage the reader by asking questions about the animals and having them point out each animal by it's proper name. They also put a small insect on each large picture for the child to find. My 3 year old, Bear, thought it was so much fun to look for the bugs. He would say "Ewww, I see one!"
When Penny and Peyton arrive at the Emporium they discover that they are having a birthday party with their friends. They all get to go home with a pet that Mr. Chapman will hand pick for them according to their love language. As the story progresses you get to see each child discover their love language and what it actually means. Peyton doesn't think that he will get a good pet so he decides he doesn't want to get one.
As Mr. Chapman starts explaining to each child their love language in detail, he also tells them what animal they get to take home as their pet. The 3 friends get their pets first and discover a lot about themselves. When it's time for Penny to get her pet, Mr. Chapman tells her that her love language is quality time and she gets to take home a cat named Horace. The cat likes to spend time with his owner. Peyton begins to think he really won't get a pet because Mr. Chapman hasn't announced his yet.
The children suddenly realize that a dog that had been helping Peyton was his pet. The dog's name is Alex and he is specially trained to help others. Peyton learns that his love language is acts of service. He likes to help others. The other love languages are words of affirmation (speaking kind words), gifts, and physical touch. Dr. Gary Chapman has written a book called The Five Love Languages of Children that can accompany this children's book. There is a quiz in the back of this book that you can give to your child orally to find out what their love language is. My 3 year old would not sit still long enough, so it is probably better to ask children a little older. You can also visit http://www.5lovelanguages.com/ to read more about this subject.
I recommend this book for every family. Children and adults will both love reading this sweet story over and over again.
About A Perfect Pet for Peyton: http://www.5lovelanguages.com/resource/a-perfect-pet-for-peyton/
5 Love Languages of Children: http://www.5lovelanguages.com/resource/the-five-love-languages-of-children/
The 5 Love Languages: http://www.5lovelanguages.com/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/5LoveLanguages
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/drgarychapman
God Bless,
*I was given this book in exchange for my personal review. All opinions expressed here are solely my own.*
{Simon and the Easter Miracle}
Easter is right around the corner. It's just less than 2 weeks away. I love to celebrate this day because it is the day that Jesus defeated death and sin. It makes me so glad that He was willing to go through so much for me. Mary Joslin and Anna Luraschi have written a children's book about Simon. Simon is the man that the guards chose to help Jesus carry the cross to Calvary when He was too weak to get up. In this particular book, Simon is a farmer who is going to the market in the city to sell his goods. When he got to the city it was very busy that day and Simon thought he would have no problem selling all of his goods in no time.
As he was finding his way to a good spot to set up his stand he saw a crowd. He went to see what was going on and there was a man carrying a cross on his back. Simon stood back a bit because he did not want to get in the middle of the trouble. He wondered what this man had done to deserve such severe puninshment. Everyone was yelling and shouting to crucify the man with the cross. The prisoner fell to the ground and could not get back up. The guards yelled at Simon to help him carry the cross to the top of the hill.
Simon put down his goods and baskets in a place he thought was safe. He helped the man with the cross. Simon asked the prisoner what he had done to deserve such harsh punishment. The man said he was preaching the message of peace. Finally, they reached the top of the hill and Simon hurried away. He did want to see or hear anything else. When he got back to the spot where he left all of his belongings they were either all gone or broken to bits. He decided to just go home and count it a loss.
When he reached home he was glad that the next day was the Sabbath day, a day to rest. He went to do a few things on Sunday and noticed that his farm was being blessed by God because he saw doves in his olive grove.
I thought this book was good. I like the story line. What I do not understand is the part about it being an "Easter" book. There is no talk of Jesus' resurrection. The story simply ends with Simon being blessed. I suppose you could look at Simon's farm being blessed as the Easter miracle. I just wish the book would have talked more talked more about Jesus rising from the grave.
I recommend this book for families who want to add a family friendly book to their collection. I would however, recommend that an adult explain who the man carrying the cross is since Jesus' name is not mentioned at all. Other than that, it was a nice story.
God Bless,
*I was given this book in exchange for my personal review. All opinions expressed here are my own.*
{WWJD & A Giveaway!}
WWJD- What would Jesus do? That is the question that is answered for a family in the movie The Woodcarver. Matthew Stevenson is rebelling against his family in the beginning of this movie because he asked God to have his parents stay together. He feels like God didn't hear him because they are in the middle of a bitter divorce. He vandalizes the church his father is renovating to get his attention. As part of his punishment he is sentenced to help restore what he destroyed. He meets Ernest Otto played by John Ratzenberger (Cheers) who is a woodcarver assigned to carve all of the destroyed pieces of wood.
Mr. Otto teaches Matthew all of the tricks of the trade. Me teaches him everything he knows about woodcarving and how to restore this church. While teaching him to do all of these different talents, Mr. Otto also teaches Matthew the importance of having Jesus in your life. He tells Matthew to ask himself what would Jesus do everytime he needs to make an important decision. He changes dramatically during the course of the movie.
Another transformation is Matthew's parents. They are really fighting and not getting along throughout the movie. By the end, they are trying to work things out. They decided that what drove them apart was when they put everything else before God. They stopped going to church and stopped praying.
I recommend this movie for anyone over the age of about 10 (unless your children can handle the arguing between the parents). I would view it prior to allowing your little ones to watch it. There is nothing bad in the movie, just some destruction of property, talk of divorce, and arguing amongst the parents. It would make a great family movie night pick.
If you would like to win a copy please leave a comment telling me so along with your email address. For an extra entry, follow my blog and leave a separate comment. Winner will be announced on April 1st!
God Bless,
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
{Beauty For Ashes by Dorothy Love}
Beauty For Ashes is Dorothy Love's newest book. This is the second book in the Hickory Ridge Romance series. Here is a summary of the book (from the back of the book).
"She's a beautiful young widow. He's a southern gentleman with a thirst for adventure. Both need a place to call home."
Carrie Daly wants a family but after her husband dies in the Civil War her dreams are crushed. There are not very many eligible men in Hickory Ridge, Tennessee. I absolutely love historical fiction books, especially ones that are faith-based. In this book, the townsfolk are very judgmental toward a woman who chooses a man who doesn't fit into their little mold. Griff Rutledge is that man. Carrie falls for him and everyone snubbs her because they think they know more about him than she does.
Dorothy Love has the reader feeling exactly what Carrie is feeling. If she doesn't like something, then I found myself not liking it. If she loves something (or someone), I found myself loving it as well. The emotions are ever-changing and the mood of the book changes with Carrie. I really loved this book and recommend it to anyone who likes a historical fiction book.
If you go to Dorothy Love Author Page on Facebook you can enter to win a Kindle Fire and a Sapphire ring.
Please visit her Facebook page to enter by 3/20. You can also get all of the latest news from Dorothy Love. God Bless,
*I was given this book for review. All opinions expressed here are solely my own.*
Thursday, March 1, 2012
{The Guardian Duke Review and Giveaway}
I love to read historical fiction books. The Guardian Duke is a wonderful book set in the early 1800's in England and Ireland. There are castles and fencing and balls that last all night long. Jamie Carie writes books based in history. England's Regency period is one of my favorite time periods. The clothes were beautiful and the castles were extravagant. In this particular book, Gabriel, the Duke of St. Easton, is ordered by the Prince Regent to become guardian over Lady Alexandria Featherstone. Her parents are claimed to be dead after not returning from their last mission. They are "treasure hunters" for the rich and famous. Lady Alex does not believe in her heart that her parents are dead so she uses her own investigative skills to find clues as to her parents last whereabouts.
In the meantime, the Prince Regent sends a message to the Duke saying he must go to Lady Alexandria right away because there may be danger. The treasure her parents were hunting for is of high value and high profile. Many people want this item. The Duke and his assistant set out to her home on Holy Island only to find her already gone in search of her parents. He follows after her immediately. Lady Alex has found many clues that send her to Ireland. Along the way she meets two very good men who agree to travel with her to protect her. In those days, a woman was never to travel alone. They all become close friends.
The dangers grow as they get closer to each clue. With the Duke on her trail and knowing that he will take her back to London for her safety, she tells a few lies to get away from him. Her companions do not like her lying but agree to travel with her wherever she may lead. There are many references to God and the Bible. The characters pray and seek God in their quests. I really liked this book other than the fact that it leaves a lot to be said. There are going to be more books in the "Forgotten Castles" series (which is what this book is). In summer 2012, expect to see The Forgiven Duke which continues this same story line. I cannot wait to read that one also. This was a book full of mystery and adventure as well as love and friendship. I recommend this book to just about anyone who likes historical fiction books about love.
About the Author:
When she was six, Jamie’s parents met Jesus and soon after started a church. It changed everything. Road trips with her dad—to and from Bible studies across Indiana—were filled with talks of things beyond earth’s bounds – creation and the fall, God and Jesus and the rapture, the earthly walk compared to the spiritual walk, and how we are born for more than what we can see or touch.
The highlight of those nights was stopping at a truck stop in the middle of the night where her dad would spend a little of the offering basket on two slices of pie and a couple of Cokes. Nothing ever felt so special as a middle of the night slice of pie with her dad. And nothing could stop the writing pouring out of her.
As Jamie’s relationship with God grew, she discovered her heart was filled with songs and poetry. During high school she wrote lyrics for her brother’s band. (And she sang them too!) After college, Jamie married, had two sons and decided to stay home with them. While she homeschooled she wrote skits, poems, plays and short stories for school and church.
When her eldest son turned five she dove into the world of novels. She’d read romance novels for years, but couldn’t relate to the flawless, saintly heroines in Christian romance novels. So she decided to write her own.
When her eldest son turned five she dove into the world of novels. She’d read romance novels for years, but couldn’t relate to the flawless, saintly heroines in Christian romance novels. So she decided to write her own.
Snow Angel was born on a frosty night in an old farmhouse in Fishers, Indiana, where the cold floor gave plenty of motivation for the snow scene. Jamie loves to write late at night when the house is quiet and the darkness seems alive. Elizabeth and Noah had been playacting in her head for a long time, so the story went fast.
Ten years later Snow Angel was published and won the ForeWord magazine Romance Book of the Year winner, was a National “Best Books 2007” Awards winner, and a 2008 RITA Awards® Best First Book finalist. It was the beginning of her dream career.
Ten years later Snow Angel was published and won the ForeWord magazine Romance Book of the Year winner, was a National “Best Books 2007” Awards winner, and a 2008 RITA Awards® Best First Book finalist. It was the beginning of her dream career.
Jamie and her husband Tony have been married for twenty-one years and live in Indianapolis with their three sons and a giant of a dog named Leo.
If she could only say one thing to her readers it would be, “Live the dreams God has destined you for!”
Facebook: http://www.facebook.
Live Action Book Trailer: http://www.youtube. com/watch?v=ZyTk2MQw04s
USA Today Review: http://books.usatoday. com/happyeverafter/post/2012- 02-04/review-the-guardian- duke-by-jamie-carie/620195/1
Would you like a chance to read this book for yourself for free? I am giving away one copy of this book to a reader on my blog. All you have to do is leave a comment below telling me that you would like to win. Don't forget to leave your email address to that I can contact you should you win. For an extra entry you can follow my blog (leave a separate comment for each). Open to U.S. citizens only. I will announce the winner on March 9th, 2012!
God Bless,
*“services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”*
Monday, February 27, 2012
{Mighty Macs DVD Review & Giveaway!!}
The time is 1971 and the place is Immaculata College for women in Philadelphia. Cathy Rush has no experience with coaching, but she played basketball in college very well. She is newly married to a popular men's basketball referee. In the 70's not many women worked outside of the home so when Cathy Rush gets the job as head coach of a college women's basketball team it doesn't sit too well with her husband. Women's basketball was just becoming popular. As Cathy starts to form a team out of the women who try out, she learns a lot about each of the girls. Some of the girls don't like her rules so a few of them quit the team before they even play their first game.
Cathy struggles to get help from the college because of financial problems. She has no gym to practice or play games, only one ball to practice with, no assistant coaches, and very outdated uniforms. Through the struggles she keeps her head up. She never gives up. Cathy pushes her team to their limits and they start to win games. She gains the trust of the team and of the school officials as well as other Nuns at the school. I don't want to give away too much of the movie, but I really enjoyed it. There was no bad language, sexual content, or abuse of any kind (including physical, substance, etc.). I would highly recommend this movie for the entire family. It would actually make a great movie night pick.
"It's 1971. Cathy Rush is a woman ahead of her time ... and she's about to embark on an adventure for the ages. A new era is dawning in the country and in collegiate athletics, where a national champion will be crowned for the first time in women's basketball.
Recently married, Cathy is dealing with the aftermath of a truncated playing career. While cultural norms would have her staying at home, she's willing to do the hard work necessary to help her new team reach their goals—or perhaps she's just trying to achieve her unfulfilled dreams through them.
From the beginning, her challenges are as imposing as the big-school teams Immaculata will face on the court. Cathy learns there is no gymnasium on campus, she receives little support from the school's Mother Superior, and the school is in dire financial straits. To top it off, she may not even have enough players to field a team!
While it appears the Macs don't have a prayer, all hope is not lost. With the help of Sister Sunday—a spunky assistant coach—and the support of a booster club of elderly nuns, Coach Rush creates a new game plan that just might bring the team—and the school—together.
Will this pioneer buck cultural norms and spur her rag-tag team to unexpected heights? Or will her hard-driving ways create a wedge between the coach and everyone around her? One thing's for certain: there's never been anyone like Cathy Rush at Immaculata!"
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/MightyMacsMovieIf you would like to win a copy of The Mighty Macs for your home here is your chance. Just visit their Facebook page and leave a comment below. For an extra entry follow my blog. Leave a separate comment for each entry. Don't forget to leave your email address so I can contact you if you win! Winner will be announced on Monday, March 5, 2012.
God Bless,
*This DVD was given to me for review. All opinions expressed here are solely my own.*
Saturday, February 25, 2012
{Three Hearts DVD Review and Giveaway}
I recently had the pleasure of viewing a new documentary called Three Hearts. Here is a bit about the movie:
"A passionate team of people work to save the lives of three Mongolian children with life-threatening heart defects.
Graduating college senior, Cissie Graham Lynch, granddaughter of evangelist Billy Graham, takes on an internship at Samaritan’s Purse working with the Children’s Heart Project. This project is dedicated to saving the lives of children by providing medical procedures that aren’t available in many countries. Cissie is charged with supervising the arrival and surgeries of three Mongolian children suffering from fatal congenital heart defects.
But the task is not easy and filled with unexpected challenges. Cissie balances responsibilities as a newly married wife to a professional football player and her tasks with the internship. Meanwhile the Children’s Heart team turns to a Texas family who travels to Mongolia for the adventure of a lifetime to help bring the children to San Antonio for their surgeries. In Texas, two host families make sacrifices to care for these children and their mothers, while a team of doctors and nurses volunteer their time only to stare directly into the face of life and death. How far would you go to save a life?
It’s a fight for survival, a fight of faith, and a fight for a new life for these three hearts."
Cissie Graham Lynch is the daughter of Franklin Graham, the world famous evangelist from North Carolina. She is interning at Children's Heart Project. Children's Heart Project is sponsored by Samaritan's Purse. I have worked with Samaritan's Purse (indirectly) a few times doing the Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes. My husand and I and his parents helped to collect almost 1000 boxes last Christmas for Operation Christmas Child. I was so delighted to get the chance to watch the documentary and just know that Samaritan's Purse is a part of it makes it even more special to me.
During the movie, three children ages 18, 16, and 3 are chosen to come to the U.S. for heart surgery. They are all from Mongolia and travel to San Antonio, Texas. All three of the children have heart failure and have a high risk of sudden death. When they were interviewed in their homes in Mongolia it was a struggle for them to even breath. There is a hospital overseas that checks out each patient and then puts them on a list to have surgery. In Mongolia, they do not have the knowledge and equipment, nor the money, to operate on these children. Hospitals in the U.S. take these cases 1-3 at a time as a pro bono. The only expense is the traveling expenses.
When the children and their mother's arrive in the U.S. they stay with host families who take them to church and teach them about Jesus. The surgeries are very graphic (I would recommend that younger children not view it unless supervised). I got attached to the children and cried and cried after their surgeries were over. I don't want to give too much away, but I really enjoyed watching this movie. It inspired me to go out and sponsor a child right away. I wish I had a bunch of money I didn't need. I would give it all to this cause. Children's Heart Project is saving lives. They have done over 800 surgeries so far. There are about 200 children on waiting lists to be operated on. I am praying for each of them.
Youtube Trailer Links: http://youtu.be/sMUA8lbbkDU
Youtube Trailer Links: http://youtu.be/1aUxbJd15fk
Christian Book Distributors Link: http://www.christianbook.com/Christian/Books/product?item_no=320721
*To enter the GIVEAWAY, just leave a comment below INCLUDING your email address and tell me why you would like to win this DVD. Open to U.S. residents only. Giveaway winner will be announced on March 2, 2012.*
God Bless,
*I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."*
Thursday, February 23, 2012
{Everything Romance}
Everything Romance is a book about love compiled by Todd Hafer and Rebecca Currington. Inside of the book you will find:
"Ways to engage your loved one with conversation starters for couples,
Fun and creative date and gift ideas for any budget,
Heartwarming love stories and poems,
Love busters and love boosters to add fun, zing, and zest,
Trivia about the history of love and romance,
Recipes to fan the heartflames."
-Quote from back of book
I really enjoyed reading and looking through this cute book. There are so many cute ideas for dates for your loved one. There's even a section called "What I Love About You". It a section that is fill-in-the-blank. You fill in what you love about your spouse. That was a lot of fun. I really liked all of the recipes as well. There are breakfast ideas such as the Berry Sweet Breakfast Parfaits For Two. Then, there are the snack ideas like the Hot And Spicy Guacamole. There are also dinner recipes such as the Perfect Pair Pizza Pita's. I would eat any of the recipes and the names are so cute too.
Included in the book are also prayers for your spouse. I loved that part of the book because we all need prayer and need to pray. We need to especially pray for our spouse's. They give you a list of all of the traditional wedding anniversary gifts by year. For instance, for your first wedding anniversary you traditionally give "paper". The examples they give you for ideas are: homemade card, photo, framed copy of your marriage certificate. I thought they were very neat ideas that I would try myself. I love to make homemade things. Bible verses about love are scattered throughout the book. It is a way to understand what God says about love.
The poems and quotes are truly sweet. I love poetry and I really love poetry about love. It makes my heart just melt because someone wrote that poem for a person they truly love. There are love letters dating back a hundred or more years to long, lost loved ones. They are very inspiring and it made me want to write a love letter to my husband. I really adored this book and will be using it for reference in the future. I recommend this book to couples young and old, engaged or married for a lifetime. It is a sweet, simple, lovely book about love.
God Bless,
*This book was given to me for review. All opinions expressed here are solely my own.*
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