Thursday, August 16, 2012

{My Pop-up Bible Stories}

My Pop-Up Bible Stories by Juliet David is a cute and inspirational children's book. It has two dimensional scenes on each page that captivate a little ones imagination. The author and illustrator really put their heart into each story that they chose. There are five well-known bible stories included and the actual verses from the bible are on each page as well. My children thought the book was very fascinating. Bear's (my 3 year old) eyes got big each time I opened a new page and the story literally unfolded before him. He enjoyed the colors and creativity the author put into this cute book.

I would recommend this book to any family with young children. The book is sturdy but I wouldn't recommend allowing the little ones to handle it themselves. Pop-up books are great but small children tend to think that the arms and legs can be taken off and moved around (I learned from personal experience through other books we have at  home). I believe that this would be a wonderful addition to any family's home.



*I was given this book in exchange for my personal review. All opinions expressed here are solely my own.*

Monday, August 13, 2012

{Grieving God's Way}

Grief. We have all felt it in some way or another. Maybe it's grief over losing a loved one or a beloved family pet. Maybe it's grief over losing a friendship or a job. I have felt many different stages of grief. I have lost family members and pets. When I was 6 months pregnant with Ducky (who is now 2 years old), my chihuahua had to be put down due to kidney failure. I thought I would cry my eyes out. Recently though, I lost a baby at 12 weeks gestation. I was so devastated. I cried out to God many nights asking Him why He took my baby. The fact of the matter is, my baby wasn't really mine in the first place. We are all His children. I am grateful to have had baby Kendall for the short time that we did. I still grieve for my baby, but I find it easier now then when it first happened. I clung to my Bible during those horrible weeks that followed. I prayed like my life depended on it. I got through it (and still am struggling on some days). I also found a book that has helped me tremendously. It is a 90-day devotional called Grieving God's Way by Margaret Brownley.

In her book, Margaret shares her personal stories from her own life. She helps to lead us in a different direction with our grief. There actually is a Godly way to grieve. God designed our bodies, so He would know how to help us in the grieving process. This book has given me hope. It has also helped me to heal my broken heart. Even though I still have bad days, I know that this is just temporary. I know there is a purpose and a plan for everything that I go through in this life.

This devotional is broken up into 4 parts. They are: Healing the Grieving Body, Healing the Grieving Soul, Healing the Grieving Heart, and Healing the Grieving Spirit. The grieving process can be so hard on the body, mind, and soul. Margaret Brownley gives us insight into what God says about going through this process. Each of the days of the devotional includes a scripture that goes along with the personal story and/or advice. Diantha Ain also wrote a haiku for each day. At the end of each of the devotionals is a section to take action or a story from a famous person which also includes another scripture.

I really enjoyed this devotional and would recommend it to anyone who has lost a loved one or anything that causes you to grieve.



*I was given this book in exchange for my personal review. All opinions expressed here are solely my own.*