Friday, July 20, 2012

{Cleaning House By: Kay Wills Wyma}

Cleaning House
A Mom's 12-Month Experiment 
to Rid Her Home of 
Youth Entitlement

This is a wonderful book about how to motivate your children to help with the everyday chores without argument. The author gives your tips and what worked for her in her home. The children went from groaning and moaning about helping out to having an attitude of gratitude. She explains that our children shouldn't expect clean, folded clothes and clean toilets. Our children should want to help because they are part of a team and family that work together. Families love each other and respect each other. With the Father and Mother running the household, the children should follow in doing what they are told and helping out around the house without having to be asked to do so. 

Kay Wills Wyma took had an epiphany one day and put it into action. She took 12 months to train her children in the "new way" of things. Here are the titles for each of the months:
1. Operation Clutter Control
2. Kitchen Patrol
3. Grounding Time
4. Working for a Living
5. Domestic Dirty Jobs
6. Roll Tide
7. The Handyman Can...Or Can He?
8. The Entertainers
9. Team Players
10. Runner's World
11. It's About Others
12. Ladies and Gentlemen

I loved this book and will be referring back to it over the years. My children are still young, but you have to start somewhere. If you start training your children young they will not know the difference between "chores" and just doing what you are supposed to. We are a team. We should function as one. 



*This book was given to me in exchange for my personal review. All opinions expressed here are strictly my own.*